Garlean Militum Leader

  • Birth Name: Khallendra Khaine

  • Rank: Retired, Former (sas) Praefectus (VIIth), Former (rem) Tribunus Militum (IIIrd), (sas) Tribunus Angusticlavius (VIth)

  • Nicknames (if any): Lioness, White Tigress, Ligeress, Tiger

  • Race: Garlean

  • Gender: Female

  • Age: 35

  • Sexuality: Bisexual

  • Relationship: Courting Samanytha Cordwyk, Monogamous.

  • Place of Birth: Garlemald

  • Current Residence: Limsa Lominsa

  • Occupation (class): High Ranking Garlean Soldier, Bounty Hunter, Mentor

  • Hair: Light Brown, with Blonde streaks

  • Eyes: Lilac

  • Body: Slender Athletic, Toned.

  • Height: 7’1”

  • Weight: 236 lbs (muscular).

  • Voice Claim:

  • Face Claim: Liv Tyler

Early Years

Khallendra entered the academy, excelling in physical combat and stratagem. It was learned shortly after her arrival that her father had conditioned her in these subjects from a young age, conscripting foreigners as well as other highly skilled members of the military to tutor her along with his own teachings.At the age of 16, Khallendra made her way to active duty breezing through officer training and was offered a position as a Centurio. An offer in which she declined and was assigned to van Darnus of the VIIth, stationed in Eorzea.

Report by Centurio Riobus quo Crastor; VIIth Legion

“During a routine patrol we were ambushed by locals. I called for a retreat, not realizing until our arrival at our rendezvous point that the surprise attack had divided our unit; only half of our soldiers reporting. Duplicarius Khaine stepped forward with a proposal to double back, using the flank of our enemy to shield our advance. I instructed her that I could not risk what was left of my centuriae. Her response? ‘Then, risk only one.’ Khaine provided me with a rather well thought out plan in a short time and I could not refuse her request as she explained the details. I gave her one bell and the supplies she requested. Not but half a bell later, we witnessed explosions going on where the ambush had initially occurred. I was later told by the members of my centuriae that Khaine had lit off explosives to create the illusion that the enemy were being flanked, forcing them to split their forces. With a majority of them heading towards the blast, the larger half of my centurae rose up to fight back, overtaking the enemy. I can confirm that Duplicarius Khaine took out well over a dozen men as they split off to advance her location, striking when it was most opportune. Her bravery saved many lives, her tactics were sound and she did it all risking only one for the reward of many.”

Reports from her centuriae under her command as Centurio

“Khallendra is firm but fair; She is not afraid to tell you how it is.”“She does not give false hope. She proves to us with her actions and her strength that victory is always within our grasp. I have witnessed few leading with the unwavering confidence she has, so much so it is inspiring.”“I leave her pep talks so excited that I can barely sleep. I just could not wait for our operations to begin.”“So many times, soldiers are given a false sense of security or somehow develop unrealistic levels of confidence causing them to believe they are invincible. I've seen many a man lose their lives by being reckless because of this. Khallendra has never allowed her unit to go into battle without being well aware of the consequences one faces while one is fighting and she has also never led us astray with her strategies. She knows how to make a unit become a true cohesive machine, making us all the better for it.”“I'd follow her to my end without a second thought.”

Report from
Primus pilus Qusaria rem Liqurdus

The report is of the following mission launched Khallendra from Duplicarius to Centurion doing so in half a cycle.“I was giving out the orders and assignments among the manipulus. Centurio Khaine, without hesitation, called into question my plan. Her arrogance led nearly a third of our force to agree, so I told them they would act as our support to keep our encampment warm as a punishment for questioning a superior officer.”

Follow up report by Centurio Motosai quo Kasahagi

“There was a rumble from the mouth of the valley as our forces all entered; The enemy had blocked off our only means for retreat, which was similar to what quo Khaine warned us of and suggested to have plan in place should such happen. Primus Liqurdus had argued that the valley was a tactical advantage, punishing those that questioned her strategy. The enemy came at us from nearly all sides, forcing Primus Liqurdus to surrender. There we were dead of night all bound and being watched over. An eerie silence was all that could be heard, when it was suddenly broken by a commotion shortly followed by our captors fleeing for their lives. There we saw Khallendra quo Khaine leading the charge that had our enemies retreating. She had left behind a few soldiers to cut us all free while her unit caught up to the enemy, dispensing them. Qusaria made the choice to reprimand Khallendra when she returned, her tone furious and her body entirely too close. She had claimed that every was going according to her plan. Khaine laid her out.”Reports showed that the Primus Pilus’ plan would have likely cost several lives and risked the mission entirely. Khallendra did what was necessary of her to ensure victory and the survival of the unit with as few losses as possible. Instead of being reprimanded for her actions, she was promoted to Primus Pilus.

Reports from her centuriae while she was Primus Pilus

“My first encounter with rem Khaine, she was giving an inspirational speech before an operation, just as any before her. It was to my surprise that I saw her fighting alongside us. Not off at the rear, directing us, but at the front lines. Her words were not only words, but a promise. I was inspired by her presence.”
“After returning from an unsuccessful mission, rem Khaine went over all the things we did wrong, then suddenly followed up with how, despite our overall failure, we did do some things right. Not only did she tell us what we were successful with, she took a portion of the blame as our commanding officer, explaining how she too failed us, but it was a lesson learned for all. I felt valued and encouraged even though we lost.”

Developments During Meteor

As project meteor became a known focus of the VIIth, Khallendra along with others were sought out by the Empire to covertly aid the Eorzean Alliance against Van Darnus, so that the empire would have an intact Eorzea to conquer. After years spent with Nael van Darnus, Khallendra noticed he was subtly acting strangely. This encouraged her to do as was requested. In exchange for her aid, she was promised rewards upon success. Official report shows this was not what drove her, but the fact that her legion was acting out of the interests of Garlemald was enough for her.
Khallendra submitted a proposal to build a covert facility in the soon to be residential district called the Mists. She suggested this location due to its ability for its deal receival of shipments. Her proposal was for a house that would act as a decoy with a fully functional Castrum beneath. Darnus approved the facility, providing funds and resources needed to make it happen. Khallendra requisitioned Katherina mal Khaine to have a heavy hand in the design and security.

Post Meteor Report

“The day is upon us that van Darnus plans to unleash Dalamud upon Eorzea. I have caught wind that the requested assistance from the XIVth did not go well. I hope all my efforts to afford Eorzea the chance to thwart this were not for nothing.”
Khallendra’s official report after returning to Garlemald following her survival at the battle of Carteneau was as follows. This battle saw many of those who looked to her for guidance slain; many of whom were friends and trusted cohorts. Proving she would do what needed to be done no matter the cost.
“The grand companies held strong as the moon came down. It unleashed the dreaded Bahamut and I saw allies burnt to ash… I consider myself lucky to be alive, but I know it is because my fight is far from over. Van Darnus had lost her mind to the powers at work, using her whole legion as pawns for this great power… The corruption ran deep into our ranks it would seem. Not everyone is meant to wield the power they are given.”

The Doman Years - XIIth

Her report and loyalty to the Empire from aiding in preventing more chaos and destruction than there could have been, Khallendra rem Khaine was promoted to Praefectus Castrum, assigned to the XIIth Legion in Othard.
There, she was responsible for training conscripts, aiding the imperial shadow program, defense of Castrums, ensuring facilities ran at high capacity, even overseeing a few experiments and even managed to learn some of Othard’s specific arts of combat, such was her dedication to her assignments. Khallendra sas Khaine had, and still has, a keen eye for potential, seeing countryman and conscript alike promoted as well as skill potential unlocked. With this keen eye she was also able to route out weakness and pluck it from the ranks.
Sas Khaine came forth with a request of a special unit that she would personally command where this unit would be hand picked to undergo the most dangerous of operations. She set forth rigorous trials to determine who was worthy. It became known as the Garlean death squad, a group that was as fearless as it was formidable. They left piles of bodies and carnage in their wake. Completing dozens of operations with no casualties but extensive collateral damage. They became a fear factor among the residents of Othard.
Review members of the Garlean Death Squad within the Relations Tab.

Report - Castrum Sentry

Reports from her Legion while she was Praefectus Castrum“I was sent to face the Praefectus after allowing an intruder to break into the Castrum... I went half expecting to be demoted or, at worse, killed. I got there, gave my salute, and was immediately circled menacingly, as if I were sized up for my worth. I was told that this mistake was as far as I could fall and that I could only hope to go up from here; to learn from what was done. She went on to tell me the ramifications of what the break in could mean… while not outright saying so, she made it clear I had only one more chance.”

Report - Centurio Grastelius

Reports from her Legion while she was Praefectus Castrum“Having to report my failure to the Praefectus after losing half my platoon was more than just swallowing my pride, as the Empire was not known to reward failure, especially for those of high rank. The Praefectus ordered I write letters to the families of each of the soldiers that died, admitting my failure and explaining how their son or daughter, husband or wife had fought valiantly. I was also commanded to admit failure to those that lived and hand my next mission to be lead by my Optio. I later learned that she also used to write letters to the families of the fallen. I was beholden to ask, but one sun I gathered the courage; Why did you have me write them? Her response was,’While yes they were just another soldier and perhaps nothing special or valuable at all, their family did not see them as such. If we wish to rule over these people, let them know, or at least let them perceive, that we cared about their loved one's sacrifice. It could very well prevent someone from rising up. Ruling requires fear but also some semblance of respect.’”

Report - Duplicarius

Reports from her Legion while she was Praefectus Castrum“Praefectus sought to reward success and punish failure. Once a season, she would host a victory feast for the two highest performing Cohorts. The least successful were made to defend the Castrum while we would have the feast. Speeches were given, recognition was given and sometimes even promotions. One of the things known for during these feasts became was what we called the Praefectus Challenge; a drinking contest or test of fighting skill. The winner would get anything they desired, which inspired many. At the feast I attended, you could hear the silence fill the room for a moment as everyone thought of what they might want and then excited murmurs and chatter. Word spread of these feasts and inspired other Cohorts to perform at their best. I heard one feast had three recognized Cohorts because they performed that well.”

Assassination Attempt

Khallendra spent five and a half cycles in Doma, turning down a promotion in the process. Her leadership came to an abrupt end after a failed assassination attempt by a shinobi. Having survived, but not being medically cleared to carry out her duties, she was sent back to Garlemald where she proposed to finish the facility she requisitioned Darnus for. She explained that she would run a covert operation and once it was fully operational the facility could act as an additional resource for the XIVth. Khallendra was sent to rendezvous with the XIVth arriving as the Castrum was under siege from the alliance.
With the fall of the XIVth and the successful amount of intel and data gathered, her operation continues; Khallendra operates currently under no direct legion. Receiving her orders from various sources, but is allowed to be acquired by a legion who operates within Eorzea when the time would come.

Annonymous Recommendation

“To any who might acquire Praefectus Khaine; her loyalty is tried and true. Above and beyond she serves in everything she does. She has the incredible ability of turning weakness into strength and her attention to detail and keen mind for stratagem are among her strongest qualities. Her methods for training are unorthodox but effective. Khaine is a leader who stands with and not behind her unit, with a record to show she can bring out the best in her legion or unit. She is a valuable asset to any team.”


Year 1: Khallendra came into the sport as the captain of the Garlemald Classiarii Technicii playing as their left forward. She lead the team to the semi-finals where they lost to the Salt Barons.Year 2: Khallendra due to her station and duties to Garlemald was unable to play that season but her brother did. Making it to the final her brother's team was down a player. So he pulled some strings and got her to play along side him. Ultimately they lost to Ishgard.Year 3: Khallendra once again took to being the Captain of a team but not for Garlemald but for Limsa Lominsa, the Sanguine Sirens. A female only team. While the team performed the worst of her career being knocked out by the Sea Chocobos, it brought her back to the sport she loves.Year 4: Returning to Limsa as the team captain once again with the newly named Storm Sirens. The team rose through having their HQ ransacked, food poisoned, to blowing up the Gil Turtle Yacht. They reached the finals where they met defeat at the hands of the Salt Barons. Losing 2 - 1.Year 5: Khallendra came into the league as its leading scorer by a large margin. Due to a favor Khallendra made her return as Captain for the fourth time but to lead the Gridania Sea Chocobos. The team surged through the water until a personal matter struck and she could not play in the game where the Sea Chocobos would be eliminated.Year 6: With Garlemald in ruin and without a Blitzball team. Khallendra saw to change that through the newly establish EBL. With the approval of the Senate. Khallendra formed the Garlemald Ceruleum Knights. Becoming the Garlean Sports Commissioner in the process. Becoming an All-Star player for the Eastern Blitzball Conference (EBC)Career Stats:Games Played: 13.5
Passes: 4
Shots: 28
Goals: 18
Interceptions: 6
Blocks: 16

Known Family

  • Tiberius het Khaine (Father) deceased

  • Kassandra nan Khaine (Mother)

  • Terminus goe Khaine (Brother) deceased

  • Katherina mal Khaine (Sister)

  • Talonius quo Khaine (Brother)

  • Kamina eir Khaine (Sister)

  • Terraza eir Khaine (Sister)

  • Thalia Khaine (Niece)

  • Cornelia Khaine (Niece)

  • Trost Khaine (Nephew)

  • Kora Khaine (Niece)

Octavia Severus

A Member of the Garlean Death SquadA magitek engineer with a keen eye for archery, known for her specialty magitek arrows. She engineered her own bow, quiver and nearly a dozen special arrow types. She is also infamous for her over the top personality and thirst for combat.

Dexius Octavius

A Member of the Garlean Death SquadA known marksman. His combat specialty was wielding his personally crafted sniper blade. He was also responsible for crafting an armor piercing bullet. By hollowing out the tip of a pointed bullet, he was able to make a devastating, light weight weapon. These bullets took time to craft but he had production down to a science. He is known for being a coward in close range combat or so he liked to make people believe and is also quite the womanizer.

Sleeping Smile

A Member of the Garlean Death SquadAn axe wielding hellsguard that was a spy for the Garlean Empire until she was discovered and had her tongue cut out for her actions. She turned from a life of a spy to a conscript out for vengeance. She uses a master crafted spiked axe that can launch its spikes as projectiles.

Ulnant Vuinier

A Member of the Garlean Death SquadAn Ishgardian conscript, one that is quite pompous. Having grown up in high houses of Ishgard, he had a fascination with shiny, extravagant things. He was excommunicated after partaking in dragon's blood. He eventually came upon a Garlean patrol where he was asked to join or die. Being a great lancer prior to the Empire, he took to a gun-halberd all too well, feeling right at home with the new weapon.

Tsuda Katsuhiko

A Member of the Garlean Death SquadAn imperial shadow and a resident of Doma that chose to fight with the strong instead of defending the weak. Tsuda would use his skills in unique ways, proving to be as sadistic as he was deadly.

Rana Haragin

Close Friend - Holds a great deal of Khallendra's trust and admiration. She never fathomed after the Calamity she would open herself up to an individual as she did Rana. Which opened and closed many doors for future individuals.

Cirilynne Embershard

Friend, Mentee - Sees much of herself in Ciri, which can be both good and bad. Recent revelations of Ciri's hidden past has called into question Khallendra's trust and relationship with Ciri. But nevertheless she considers Ciri a good friend and while time has seen them apart. Should Ciri ever call. Khallendra would certainly answer.

Athenais Crescentia

Friend, Assistant, Companion - Khallendra happened upon Athenais by chance. A wayward Imperial, lost in many ways. Failed like so many from their former leaders. Khallendra seeing the well of potential within oen Crescentia, took the mistreated Imperial soldier under her command. In time Athenais became Khallendra’s most trusted soldier and good friend. They can often be found together, doing patrols, missions or playing Blitzball.

♡ Samayntha Cordwyk ♡

Best friend, Relationship Courting ♥︎ - Sam and Khallendra go back many cycles. Having first met while Sam was on duty with Khallendra acting as diplomat to help free a troublesome Imperial. They quickly became friends, meeting many times over the years. Coming to serve in Ilsabard together under a mutual acquaintance, Augusta van Galvidia serving the VIth legion did their synergy and cycles of trust truly shine. Through the best and worst they stuck together through it all putting the trust and willingness to go above and beyond for each other. Little did they know it would give way to what they would discover later was love for one another.

Jarra Lightfeather

Friend, Mentee, Blitzballer - Jarra is that annoying little brother that you enjoy to pick on but deep down you do so for their own good. Khallendra sees much of her younger self in Jarra. His ambition, confidence, and never quit attitude. Khallendra has done everything in her power to take those quality and help Jarra to reach his fullest potential. While he slowly brings out a side of her few see.

Rourke Calahan

Friend, Former Rival - Khallendra's first encounter with Rourke was a battle they both shall never forget, leaving their mark upon each other during their confrontation in a Garlean occupied Doma. Later in life they made another chance encounter, quickly finding they were cut from two sides of the same cloth. What was once an opposition became a mutual understanding. In which a rich friendship did blossom.

Individuals who report to Khallendra sas Khaine

  • Talon quo Khaine, Centurion

  • Katherina mal Khaine, Praefectus Architectorum

  • Lucrezia eir Valenzetti, Frumentarius

  • Crescentia pyr Ligarius, Tesserarius

  • Octavia jen Severus, Architectus

  • Athenais pyr Crescentia, Optio

  • L’nela aan Varya, Peregrinus

  • Imperial/Garlemald - An imperial who formerly served the VIIth, XIIth, IIIrd and VIth Legions would have known the White Tigress to many and Lioness to few

  • Blitzball Captain/Player - Khallendra played for the Garlean Technicii as their team captain. Khallendra captained and played for the Limsa Sanguine Sirens, Storm Sirens, Gridania Sea Chocobos, and Ceruleum Knights over the years. Becoming the highest scoring active player in the sport.

  • Doma/Othard - Khallendra served in Othard well prior to the events of Stormblood. She was known for being a fierce fighter and strong leader. Feared by many who saw the Tigress adorned in her white armor.

  • Limsa - Sister to the Talon Khaine, owner of Khaine Guard and Body in Limsa Lominsa